Content Management Systems

Websites are no longer an option for a business, they are a neccessity.
Whatever the objective of your website, whether raising brand awareness or selling online, Seen Designs will provide you with the right solution for your needs.
We develop content managed website solutions which will give you the ability to edit the content within your website without the need of specialist technical skills. It’s a cost effective solution for any website where you need flexibility and control.
In our experience, a content management system that is intuitive will result in a system that has a far higher uptake of usage internally, lower training costs and a longer overall system life.
Our current experience includes working on open source solutions such as WordPress, Joomla!, Drupal and Magento. Should you require a more complex set up or indeed a bespoke application, we have developers at hand who can deliver solutions accordingly.
When I took office, only high energy physicists had ever heard of what is called the Worldwide Web…. Now even my cat has its own page.
Bill Clinton